Polyvinyl Alcohol(PVA)
Chemical Nature
Polyvinyl alcohol powder is a selection of high-quality flake polyvinyl alcohol, using liauid nitrogen as the medium, crushed, andprocessed in a low-temperature environment. it is a water-soluble and environmentally friendly high molecular polymer with goodfilm-forming, emulsiflying, and bonding properties, Polyvinyl alcohol powder is an additive for putty and mortar, it can improve theflexibility, water retention, and workability of mortar and putty.
Product Feature
The performance of PVA in dry mortar is as follows:
Water solubility: lt is easly soluble in water at room temperature, and the aqueous solution is transparent.it is non-toxicharmless,safe,and environmentally friendly.
Chemical resistance: At room temperature, its water-soluble PH value is about 5-7. The viscosity is stable, and it is hardlyaffected by weak acids, weak bases or organic solvents (esters, ketones, alcohols, hydrocarbons). lt has extremely high oilresistance.
Pre-mix evenly with other dry powder components before packaging. Mix and use on-site according to the recommended amount of water.
The recommended addition amount is 0.1%-0.3% of the cementitious material, which must be pre -tested according to the raw materials and construction specifications before use.
25 kg / 55 lb paper bag
Storage condition
Store products with original packaging in a dry, clean environment and away from heat sources.
This product is not easy to lose efficacy, but it is hydrophilic-based. If the storage environment is poor, it will slowly absorb moisture. It is recommended to follow the first-in-first-out principle when using it. The packaging must be tightly sealed to prevent moisture intrusion if not finished use.