Polyether Defoamer
Chemical Nature
The product is a special polyether defoaming agent. it is entirely silicon-free and has good antfoaming and antifoaming effects. it is suitable for direct addition at low and high temperatures.The primary features are low dosage, defoaming solid power, good foam suppression effect,water solubility and dryness, and high resistance to strong acids and alkalis. it is a high-efficiencpowder defoamer with low cost, high electrolyte, and high shearresistance, and it can eliminatefoam in vanous aqueous systems.
Features of application
1 .It can effedively reduce the formation of bubbles in concrete, mortar, and other buildingmaterials .
2. Suitable for defoaming and suppressing foam in cement mortar, concrete, and selfleveling;
3. Suitable for defoaming interior and exterior wall putty, caulking agent, and gypsumprefabricated boards.
4. lt can defoam during water-redudng agents' production, filling, and compounding
The product can be directly sprinkled onto the foam surface for defoaming or hydrating and thenspread onto the surface when used directly on site. it can also be evenly mixed with otherpowdery additives before use. The general addition amount is 0.01-0.2%. , please adjust thespecific dosage according to the actual effect on site.